Tomorrow is Finally Almost Here

Thursday, August 29, 2013

I can't believe tomorrow is the 30th! And tomorrow we will have the keys to our first home!
It has definitely been quite the roller coaster. Even this week, an issue came up with our home insurance regarding the oil tank.. nothing like a last minute averted crisis to stress us out even more.
But, things are good.. we have our first load all ready to take over to the house as soon as we get the keys, and we plan on spending Friday night back here to move the rest of our furniture. Then, Saturday will be our first night in our new home!

Unfortunately, with it being a long weekend, our internet will not be hooked up until Tuesday, September 3rd, so I will not have any internet access from now until then. I won't leave you all totally hanging though, I do have a couple posts scheduled, so you won't even miss me!

The ABCs of Me

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I have seen many other blogs do this post and thought it would be fun and an interesting way for my readers to get to know me a little better!
A. Available or Married?
Married - still a newlywed! (Is it after 1 year that I can't call us that anymore?)

B. Book?
I used to read so much, and now I just can't find anytime to sit down and read a good book. I'm building a list right now of books that I want to read by the Spring -- any suggestions?

C. Cake or pie?
Cake, never been a big fan of pie.

D. Drink of choice?
 Coke Cola, Water or Coffee

E. Essential item?
Lip balm and my cellphone.

F. Favorite color?

G. Game to play or watch?
We love to support our local Ontario Hockey League team and go to every Saturday game that we can through the entire season. Go Bulls Go!

H. Hometown?
Tweed, Ontario. Made famous thanks to a murder case involving Colonel Russell Williams and Elvis sightings!

I. Indulgence?
Chips & Dip, as well as a good massage.

J. Job?
I am currently part time as a graphic designer and jewellery designer, as well as full time as an Administrative Assistant. Also, completing my Office Administration Certificate through online courses at a local college.

K. Kids names?
Cleatus and Crawal .. My fur babies are both 9 years old.

L. Life is incomplete without?

M. Music group or singer?
One of my favourites of all time still has to be Rascal Flatts.

N. Number of siblings?
Two older brothers.

O. Oranges or Apples?
Definitely apples. Oranges always taste so sour and bitter to me.

P. Phobias or fears?
Frogs, heights, failing

Q. Favorite quote? 

R. Reasons to smile?
My husband, my cats and my family and friends. I try to take things as they come and make everything into a positive. Try to, anyway.

S. Season?
It's a toss up between Fall and Spring. The reason is simple, here in Canada we have extremely hot summers and extremely cold and snowy winters. Therefore, I like the middle of the road which means Spring/Fall. For some reason, both of those seasons seem really short compared to our long Summer and Winter seasons!

T. Tattoo? 
 The day I turned 'legal' (18 here in Canada) I went out the very next day and got a tattoo. I chose something that would remind me about my childhood... What did I choose? A pink pony that resembles My Little Pony of the 80's! Yes, I have a pink my little pony on my lower back. Big mistake! At least I don't have to look at it, and most of the time, I try to forget it exists.

U. Unknown fact about me?
Hmm, I am pretty much an open book. Let me see... That I hate orange juice with pulp. Can't stand it!

V. Vegetable?
 Corn, whether its fresh right from the cob or from a can or frozen bag. 

W. Worst Habit?
Biting my nails. They are horrendous and I feel sorry for the woman that has to give me a manicure once I break this terrible habit. Also, anxiety. I have severe social anxiety which strikes at the strangest times.

  X. X-Ray?
Never had one, never broken a bone. (Knock on wood!) Thankfully, I have never even personally gone to an emergency room for anything.

  Y. Your favorite food?
Poutine. If only my arteries could handle eating it everyday..

  Z. Zodiac sign?

Sunday Social: Week 64

Sunday, August 25, 2013

1. What do you miss most about being a kid?
Not have responsibilities, in a way. Not that I would ever want to be a kid again for years - but I wouldn't mind having a day or two away from responsibilities. Also, freedom. Kids are so free and positive!
2. Did you have a nickname growing up? What was it?

Loopy. It's still my nickname to this day, and was given to me by my father. I have no idea why - it's not like I was a loopy child, I was pretty shy and quite throughout my life. Whenever I hear someone call me Loopy now, I just smile and think of my dad.
3. What was your favorite thing to do at recess?

Write notes to friends (I did this a lot in class too!), gossip or jump rope.
4. What did you want to be when you grew up?

I've answered this before and there are several answers, which I think every child growing up has different phases about what they want to become when they grow up.. unless of course, they know immediately. Which if you did? Kudos to you. I wanted to be everything from a singer, journalist, novelist, veterinarian, police offer, graphic designer, lawyer. You name it and I probably wanted to be it.
5. Did you participate in any school activities?

I did in public school, not so much in high school. In public school I was very athletic and was a member of the soccer team, the basketball team, the volleyball team and the relay team. Back then, I even joined a summer soccer league as that was my favourite sport.
6. What is the funniest thing you did as a kid that your parents still remind you about?

Hmm, I know for a fact I still hear the story about how I ate ants when I was 1-2 years old at my brother's birthday party. Apparently one of his friends left their plate sitting outside on the ground and while no one was watching me, I wandered over and started eating it -- ants and all. I suppose my love of cake started at an early age. I probably looked like this, plus ants, when I was caught in the act:

Sunday Social

Saturday Letters

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Dear House - Less than a week until we have the keys and you are officially ours! I can't wait and am so stressed, nervous, excited... So much do in this last week to get ready! We need to buy a barbecue, pick out a new sofa and arrange delivery, sign the lawyer papers, and make a biggggg withdrawal from our savings account!

Dear Husband - thank you for putting up with me the last few weeks, we have both been on stress overload but we haven't taken it out on each other and I love you even more for it.

Dear Cable Company - No means no. We no longer want your services, now that we have the option to switch back to satellite television! More channels and time shift channels included for the same price? Sorry, you can't sway us back no matter how pushy or annoying you are!

Dear Aunt Flo - I know it's due to stress, but thank you for deciding to arrive late and stress me out even more, it's appreciated.

Dear Vacation - 6 days until you are here too! I am so glad I decided to book the week off after our move to allow us to get all unpacked and organized in our new home. I am sad that this is the last of my vacation for the year, however.

Dear Desktop Computer - I know that you are overworked and exhausted, but please don't crash just yet! I still need to find the time to back up some stuff, thanks!


Favourite Blog Posts on.. Blogging! + A New Look

Friday, August 23, 2013

I am still getting back into the blogger swing of things, and as such, I've decided to share some extremely helpful blog posts I have bookmarked that are very helpful and useful to bloggers everywhere.

Blogging Tips & Advice

Blogging Tips & Advice: Sponsorships


Introduction to my Fur Babies! (finally!)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I've been writing this blog for long enough now, and just realized that I have never written a formal introduction post on my furbabies! Besides my husband, these girls mean so much to me. We've shared the last 9 years together and I couldn't imagine my life without either one and their strange quirks.

Don't let the names fool you - they are both girls!

First up is Cleatus, or Cleaty as I usually call her. Her name came from the fact that we had originally thought she was a male when she was discovered as a kitten! She was my first pet, the first week that I moved out on my own at 18. My friends came across a mother cat and a kitten out in the middle of nowhere (honestly, the closest house is probably 3-5 km away) and decided to pick up the kitten for me. I yelled at them for hours, 'How could you take a kitten away from her mother? That is awful!' They offered to put her back where they found her, but I knew that the mother cat was probably long gone, and it probably wouldn't end too well. I wasn't happy with them, at all, but quickly fell in love with those eyes!

As you can see, Cleatus is a big girl and always has been. We are currently trying different diet methods, but she tends to steal all the food from our other cat (that I worry isn't eating enough!) so it's a dilemma but we are working on it. She still runs around like a fool half the time, tail puffy and all, so I don't think it bothers her too much at this point.

Cleaty definitely has her quirks and odd behaviour. She gets into weird phases on where she likes to lay .. for a few weeks she won't sleep anywhere besides in our chair, then it's her wicker basket, then it's the bathtub (seriously!). She is definitely adventurous and will investigate anything new that is brought into the apartment, no matter what.

She always likes to cross her front paws and look all innocent, but don't let that fool you!

Lucky for me, she tends to get into her hyper playful moods right around bedtime at 10 or 11pm. They aren't allowed in our bedroom (due to my allergies) so some nights she enjoys bumping into the door continuously until I will get up and make her lay down in basket and go to sleep! She is definitely a handful, this one!

Next up is Crawal, or Crawaly, or Crawaly Dolly.. whichever, she will answer to all. She is the total opposite personality to Cleatus - she's very mellow, shy and doesn't want attention unless she asks for it! Although, she is generally attached to me at the hip.. always following me around. For example, if I am taking a shower, she will ALWAYS come sit in the bathroom and wait for me to come out, or if I close the door, she'll sit outside and wait patiently. If I go into the bedroom, I have to remember to look when I come back out or I'll trip over her!

It's hard to tell here, but she is polydactyl and has 2 extra toes on each from paw (and 3 extra nails).

Crawaly came to me a few months after Cleatus.. I was up late one night in my old apartment (that I shared with friends at the time) and heard a cat meowing very loudly, it sounded like it was coming outside. I started to freak because my roommate had a whole in her screen which Cleaty had gotten out a few times, and I had begged her, if you are going to open your window, please close the door until the screen is fixed.. so I thought Cleaty had gotten out and couldn't get back in and was pissed. I was throwing my coat on to run outside (it was raining pretty badly) when I noticed Cleaty sitting in the hallway. I ran over and opened our window curtain (it was a basement apartment) and saw this little tiny black bundle of fur staring back at me. I ran outside to her, and she started to run away when I called out to her. She slowly turned back and came over to me, I scooped her up and took her inside to get her dry.

It's hard to imagine, but she was soooo tiny! Like, she fit into the palm of my hand.. no way should she have been away from her mother yet and I was so worried. I ended up feeding her milk through a dropper for the next few days, while posting flyers up around the neighbour. Nobody ever claimed her, and I was told by one of our neighbours that there were a few kittens like this running around nearby.

Lucky for me, I got to keep this little angel with the extra toes!

She always makes weird faces when I try to take her picture!

She quickly recovered, although I still don't think she is as mature as she should be.. and it makes me wonder if being taken away from her mother so young had something to do with it. She has major digestive problems - we have to feed her only 1 brand of cat food, if we try to switch to anything else.. well.. let's just say, her stomach can't take it.

It looks like something might be about to happen here!

It's very rare that I can get a picture of them together since, even 9 years later, they really don't like each other. They fight usually once a day (nothing major, just hissing.. sometimes a swat or two). But, they don't lay together like normal cats do.

In all honesty, I think they are just 2 very different personalities, as you can see above. They are completely different and you can bet that if one wants to play, the other one doesn't. But, I know that they still love each other like sisters because one day, a visitor to our place stepped on Crawaly's paw (my poor baby!) and Cleaty came running to her rescue, and I have NEVER seen her move so fast to try to protect her!

So, there are my two fur babies in a nutshell!

The Stress of Being a Home Owner & The Stress of Being a Tenant

Monday, August 19, 2013

This has been one of the most stressful weeks of my entire life.

First of all, we are 11 days away from closing on our first house. We thought things were going smoothly.. everything is signed and sealed with our broker, we have the home insurance in place, we've contacted our hydro company, we've chosen our lawyer, we've contacted and scheduled hookups for our tv/internet/phone companies, we have an appointment this week to sign all of our mortgage papers from our lenders.

Things were going well, or so we thought.. We received a call this morning from our lawyer asking what is going on because they were just told that another firm, that we never heard of, stated they were representing us, not them. So, they called, and we said, 'uhh, no, you are representing us.. we have never heard of this person and have been working with you for over a month now!' Then, our realtor calls and says, 'well yeah, you guys agreed to this lawyer when the deal was finalized'

Now, no we didn't. We never heard of this other lawyer and law firm, no clue. We have never spoken to them about this, at all, but apparently our realtor set it up and they have been working on our stuff for over a month.

Then we're getting calls from the mortgage place to schedule an appointment this week (that I will need to take time off work for!), calls from our lawyer asking whats going on, calls from our realtor questioning what's happening, and calls from the home insurance company asking which lawyer to send the paperwork to.

This was all happening as Barry was walking out the door on his way to work and I almost broke down. It was too many calls happening at once. Too much.

We believe we have everything cleared up, which is good, because things needed to be done by tomorrow or everything would have fallen apart. We weren't even aware there was an issue, we thought it was smooth sailing.. in the home stretch, but no, I guess it was going a bit too smoothly for a first home buying experience.

Second of all, our landlord is really stressing both of us out! Here in Ontario, it turns out, there are no laws that protect your rights as a tenant or your privacy. Basically, since we handed in our notice, our landlord is allowed to show our apartment from 8am to 8pm any time they want, as much as they want, without notice.

And they are fulfilling that, for sure!

We are very private people, we like our privacy and we like to enjoy our home.. for the last 4 weeks, we have been unable to do so. We thought our landlord was great, we never had any problems, they were kind enough to buy me a plant when my father passed, etc. We thought we were on good terms and they were great people. We were wrong.

As soon as we told them we were moving out, it has been nothing but problems.

We gave them 50 days notice, and the law states 60. We expected this could be an issue, but hoped that they would give us a break since we have been good tenants and friends for the past 2.5 years. Wasn't going to happen. They immediately began showing our unit, every day, sometimes once a day, sometimes several times a day. We finally had enough, and said that we would pay for an extra month even though we aren't going to be here for the entire month of September. Their response? Well that's fine, but we are still going to show it.

So, we are now out an extra month's rent of $845 for September when we won't be here. And, they are still showing our apartment every. single. day! Enough is enough.. but there isn't much we can do about it at this point, but I am very close to losing my cool over zero privacy.

We have graciously asked that since we are paying for September and won't even be here, why can't they wait until then to show it? Nope. They have been showing every weekday for the past 4 weeks, at least. There needs to be some sort of harrassment or reasonable enjoyment law in regards to this; we both feel so helpless right now. And it honestly feels like they are doing this just to be spiteful sometimes.

Barry works shift work and has been interrupted many times last week with absolutely no notice whatsoever. It's clear to me that the real true person comes out once money is involved, or no more money for that matter.

I legally don't have to leave when they are showing the apartment, and I refuse to do so from now on. The last showing I sat here, wet hair from the shower, in my pink housecoat. I'm sure it was uncomfortable for the person who is viewing the apartment, but I have a right here too.

So.. I was just told, another showing tonight at 7pm - awesome!

A New Me... Minus 7 Inches of Hair!

I did it.. I was so excited about making a change, but a little nervous too. I worn my hair the same way every day (except our wedding day) since I was 3 years old. I never changed it, only trimmed an inch off every now and then, and it was always super long. The colour has changed many times over the years but not my cut or style.

Sorry for the crappy pictures, but here is the new me, minus 7 inches of hair:

It feels amazing and my hair feels like it has so much more life and body to it already! My stylist is fantastic and did a fabulous job, I couldn't be any happier with the change.


Sunday Social - Week 63

Sunday, August 18, 2013

1. What is something you've always wanted to do but are afraid of?
Skydiving. It is on my bucket list and is something I have always wanted to do, regardless of my severe fear of heights! If I ever do get the courage to do and cross it off my bucket list, I'm pretty sure I would still look just like this guy:

2. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Similar to where I am now -- I am in a good place in my life, both personal and work related now. I will see myself as a happy person, enjoying life with my husband, working in my current position and making some time to enjoy some traveling.

3. What are you looking forward to before the end of 2013?
Our first house! We take possession on August 30th and we've been counting down the days since our offer was first accepted. It is such an exciting time, and something we have been dreaming about for years now!

4. What are your hopes for your blog?
 I hope to continue to expand my blog, and on a daily basis - I just hope people find what I have to say somewhat interesting, that's really all I can hope for at this point. I also hope to continue to post on a regular basis (this has been a challenge for me in the past!).

5. Do you always see yourself living in your current town/city?
I would have said no a few years ago, but things are working out wonderfully now! The only thing that could happen that could mean moving to a different place would be if either me or my husband was relocated for work, and then we would have some decision making to do.

6. What is your morning routine?
Weekdays are pretty standard (and always rushed!). I normally wake up around 6:30am for work, grab a coffee, put my makeup on and do my hair, get dressed, grab some toast or cereal and I'm out the door by 7:30am. My weekend morning routines are a little bit more relaxed and sometimes, if I don't have anything to do, I will actually let myself sleep in on the weekends and bum around in my pajamas until noon!

Sunday Social


RIP Gia Allemand

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Many of my readers may not know who Gia Allemand is, unless of course you watched The Bachelor and Bachelor Pad. I don't know Gia but when I read the news, my heart just went out to her, her friends and her family. Considering her seasons on the Bachelor and Bachelor Pad, she was one of the sweetest and most down to earth people EVER on a reality show. I loved watching those two shows and Gia was by far my favourite on her seasons.

It's heartbreaking to me.. somebody so young (29), beautiful.. somebody who could have had the world at the drop of a hat, all thanks to her huge heart.

The cause of death is being ruled as an apparent suicide. Apparently, whatever happened, caused her to be on life support since Monday night when she was found and she was taken off today due to a loss of brain and organ function. I know how it feels to have to do that, and this story just pains me to hear.

Rest in peace to one of the sweetest, kindest, and genuine people who was ever on a reality show!

August 2013 Ipsy Review

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

My Ipsy bag came fast this month, which was good - I was a little worried that I should have skipped 2 months with our move coming up, but it was fast so it's all good. I'm still upset that I have to skip next month, but with the cost of mail forwarding here, it just makes sense and I would rather not chance it coming here when we have already moved.

I have to say, I am truly loving Ipsy right now! Each month I have been more and more impressed with their selections and I like that it is tailored to each individual person via the quiz on their website. All the samples are very generous sizes and I'm getting to try out tons of products that I may not even heard of. Plus, for like $10 a month, you can't go wrong!

First of all, how cute is this little make up bag that had all the products in it? It's adorable and perfect for traveling!

Retail Price: $6
It's not as red and bright as the photo shows (sorry!) and is perfect for every day wear. It goes on smooth and stays put all day. I haven't had much luck in the past with cream blush, but I am really like this product!

Retail Price: $3.99
Anyone who knows me knows how much I love my lip balm. I carry anywhere from 3-5 tubes on me at once and get really dry lips, especially in Winter. This stuff smells great, and goes on very silky and smooth, like lip gloss. I would definitely buy this product! I also love the fact that it is all natural.

Retail Price: $19
Very cute packaging and definitely something I could use! I still have my last mascara sample that I am working through so I haven't tried this one yet, but can't wait to do so.

Retail Price: $16 (full size)
It almost has a shimmer effect to it, but goes on very smooth and leaves my skin feeling silky.

Retail Price: $18 (full size)
This was a VERY generous sized sample and it has a very clay like feel to it. I'm pretty impressed with this stuff so far!

So, what did you all receive in this months Ipsy bag?

Sunday Social - Week 62

Sunday, August 11, 2013

It's that time of the week again - Sunday Social time!

1. When you were little what did you want to be when you grew up?
So many things.. First was a singer, which I think almost anyone dreams about at some point. Unfortunately, I realized quickly that I didn't have neither the personality or the voice! Next was a veterinarian, and as much as I love animals, I don't think I would have the emotional strength needed to work in that field. Then, it was a journalist. I wanted to work for a major newspaper writing all the breaking headlines!

2. What was your favorite way to kill time as a kid?
Riding my bike. One of the perks of living out in the country was being free to ride and play outside to my hearts content. My best friend lived about 1-2 kilometres away, so we would usually either be biking from one of our houses to the other.. Or, biking into town once we were a bit older.

3. When did you get your first cell phone?
I was 12, and back then I was one of the first of my friends to have one, which I thought made me awesome.. It was a big clunky thing, but I thought I was so cool.

4. What is your favorite magazine to read?
I still love reading People magazine, mainly because my husband is able to snatch them up from women that he works with, but its nice sometimes to keep up with celebrity gossip.

5. What is the one random object people would be surprised to find in your purse?
Hmmm... I am not sure what would be more surprising, the fact that I always carry 3 or more lip balms or a total of 2 notebooks and 1 day planner. A lot of things usually end up finding their way into my purse, my husband always jokes that I am going to have shoulder problems because there is so much stuff in there! But, I like to be prepared.

Sunday Social


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