Tomorrow is Finally Almost Here

Thursday, August 29, 2013

I can't believe tomorrow is the 30th! And tomorrow we will have the keys to our first home!
It has definitely been quite the roller coaster. Even this week, an issue came up with our home insurance regarding the oil tank.. nothing like a last minute averted crisis to stress us out even more.
But, things are good.. we have our first load all ready to take over to the house as soon as we get the keys, and we plan on spending Friday night back here to move the rest of our furniture. Then, Saturday will be our first night in our new home!

Unfortunately, with it being a long weekend, our internet will not be hooked up until Tuesday, September 3rd, so I will not have any internet access from now until then. I won't leave you all totally hanging though, I do have a couple posts scheduled, so you won't even miss me!



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