Favourite Blog Posts on.. Blogging! + A New Look

Friday, August 23, 2013

I am still getting back into the blogger swing of things, and as such, I've decided to share some extremely helpful blog posts I have bookmarked that are very helpful and useful to bloggers everywhere.

Blogging Tips & Advice

Blogging Tips & Advice: Sponsorships



  1. I love the new blog design!! She did a great job! I'll also have to check out some of those links since they seem very helpful!

    1. She definitely did, and it was such a quick process too!
      These links and posts have all helped me so much.. I plan on continuing to add any new links that would be helpful to bloggers to this list, too.

  2. Thanks! There are a lot of tips that I have missed. Things I didn't even know that I needed to know lol I will be reading over them all this weekend!!

    1. No problem! They have all helped me, and I still find myself rereading some of them, too!

  3. This is awesome! Such a great resource. Thanks! I wrote a similar post last month, but it wasn't as detailed. http://www.theladyokieblog.com/2013/09/my-favorite-resources-for-diy-blog.html :)



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