My Guilty Pleasures

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Like most people, I have my fair share of guilty pleasures. Here is a list of things that I know are bad for me, but guilty as charged - I love it anyway!
1) Cadbury Creme Eggs
Yum, these things are delicious! Thank goodness they only come out of hiding for a few months a year, or I would really be in trouble.
2) The Bachelor / The Bachelorette
Why oh why do I continue to watch this show? I hate it, but I love it at the same time. It is nothing but 2 hours of mindless drama filled excitement. I just can't stop watching this no matter how hard I try... Well, Ben's season of the Bachelor almost did me in, but nope.
3) Online Shopping
I hate in person shopping almost as much as I hate crowds, but online shopping will be the end of me, folks! I LOVE online shopping, and all those fashion blogs I follow don't help with this guilty pleasure. It is just too easy to browse, fall in love with something, click a few buttons and order it. For the most part, I am pretty practical when it comes to my shopping, but I have phases where I really have to avoid the temptation of overspending or buying things I don't truly need.
4) Makeup
I don't usually wear a lot of makeup, but I love trying new things and new products. If I could buy out Sephora, I would do it - in a second!
5) Photography
I think I must have been a photographer in a previous life, because I just love browsing through photographers websites and photography albums. Weddings, animals, still life, nature... anything! I just love looking at beautiful photography and if I don't watch myself, I could get caught up in browsing for hours on end!
Your turn - what are some of your guilty pleasures?


  1. OMG Cadbury Creme Eggs! I'm so lucky that those are only out for a short period of time too! They are the BEST.

  2. The cadbury eggs have got to be my favorite candy of all time (after gummy bears, but those are year round)
    Online shopping will be my downfall for sure. I never shop in person but online? I want all the things!

  3. Those eggs are sooo amazing! I'm also love shopping.. waaaay too much! I just have to buy SOMETHING!

  4. Basically, I share every single one of these guilty pleasures. Except the cadbury creme eggs. I like the hard cadbury eggs a little better! Great list! Also? Is it just me, or is Juan Pablo one of the worst Bachelors ever?! lol

  5. Lately the Bachelor has become a guilty pleasure of mine because I've been watching ABC streaming on my apple tv haha. It's getting pretty good!

  6. yum to Cadbury cream eggs! and I love online shopping too. i'll often fill up my cart and then not even buy stuff ha. oops.
    -- jackie @ jade and oak

  7. Oh online shopping, how I love thee. It's like little christmas presents getting sent to my door!



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