Business Update

Thursday, January 23, 2014

I decided with the recent layoff news, to really start focusing on my business and getting my footing with anything left I needed, business-wise, before June, when I don't really know what will happen once I am out of work.
I'm not sure if I can make a go of my business full time and have it bringing in substantial income by the time my employment ends, but I am definitely going to try my best and see what happens. I am excited for the future, and if the door that opens is achieving my dream and being able to work from home, doing what I love, then all the better. If not, then I will find employment elsewhere, but I am very excited on where my business can be and is headed in 2014.

So, I made some business purchases I have been putting off the past few months, including many more supplies, a new printer, a new advertising campaign and I recently redesigned my business cards due to an exciting opportunity that has come up!

I am scheduled to have my business cards handed out in the swag bags at the MTV Movie Awards in April. I am so excited over this, and while I couldn't send actual products due to the cost of my materials (14kt gold fill and sterling silver definitely isn't cheap!), I am able to send my newly designed business card to be included.

After signing up for this, I redesigned my business card yesterday to actually show my products and here is what I've come up with:

What do you think of the new design?


  1. Love it! Love your jewelry as well. I'd be happy to share your business and products on my blog. Would you like to do a collaboration?

  2. In the swag bags?! That's huge!! Congrats! I love the business card, it's so pretty and I think it really showcases your work.

  3. WOW!! MTV swag bags?! Congrats!! I love the cards, they really show off your products!

  4. That is so exciting!! I hope you get lots of business and exposure from this!! Those business cards look amazing.

  5. i can't even focus on the design because I'm SO EXCITED FOR YOU that is sooooo huge!!!!! SO HUGE!!!!!!

  6. That's amazing that your business cards will be handed out in the swag bags at the MTV Movie Awards!! Congrats!



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