So, this weekend was a long weekend here in Canada and thankfully, with my new position at work I actually get holidays off so it was a lovely 3 day weekend for me! It was very nice to relax, unwind and actually feel like I have time to do things.
Saturday was a wonderful day and allowed me to cross one more thing off my bucket list - having boudoir photos done! It has been something I have always wanted to do and I had planned to do it a month before our wedding to surprise Barry with on our wedding night. But, time just wasn't on our side and it didn't happen. Now though, it's done! Checked off the bucket list and that is such a good feeling!
I am also proud of myself for actually going through with it. I am an extremely shy, awkward and self conscious person but I did it! It was exciting and I was nervous right up until the first shot and then they went away and I just hammed it up for the camera! Our shoot was outdoors in a very secluded and private field which should make for some nice photos. We were a little worried that the weather wouldn't work with us, but the first raindrop fell just after the last shot was taken.
I haven't seen the photos yet, but for any shy woman considering this, I would recommend it to anyone! It's fun and can really make you feel sexy, classy and you don't need to do anything you are uncomfortable with.
I don't think I will be sharing any photos from this shoot here on the blog though, they are for my husbands eyes only. Well, maybe 1 very tasteful one; we will see!
We spent Sunday at the in laws relaxing in their backyard, having a barbecue and playing lawn darts.
Most of the holiday Monday so far has been spent relaxing, catching up on jewellery orders and lots of housework. Tonight will consist of watching The Bachelorette and watching some amazing fireworks from our apartment window (we have a near perfect view of our city's firework celebrations).
Back to work tomorrow but I feel much more refreshed and energized then I have in the past few weeks.
Amazing post, dear! And cool picture:)
Great post. Stopping by from THE Collective Social Blog Hop to say hi. Thank you for linking up. Have a fabulous day!
Janise (co-host of The Collective Social Blog Hop)